حصول الرئيس التنفيذي لـ CX Shift على جائزة التأثير على تجرية العميل والتي تمنح للمؤثرين عالميا في تجربة العميل كمقدم خدمات متعلقة بتجربة العميل والابتكار والتطوير
حصول الرئيس التنفيذي لـ CX Shift على جائزة التأثير على تجرية العميل والتي تمنح للمؤثرين عالميا في تجربة العميل كمقدم خدمات متعلقة بتجربة العميل والابتكار والتطوير من قبل جمعية تجربة العملاء الاحترافية الامريكية (Customer Experience Professional Association)
جائزة المؤثرون في تجربة العميل تسهدف مقدمو الخدمات المتميزون الأفراد الذين هم استشاريون أو مقدمون خدمات في مجال تجربة العميل وهم متخصصون في تطوير وصناعة تجربة العميل من خلال نهج مبتكرة وخبرات وطرق تدريبية. يمكن أن تصف الترشيحات إما تجربة مع عميل محدد أو نجاح شامل مع عملاء متعددين.
محمد المقحم يحتفل في يوم تجربة العميل السنوي في لوس انجلوس بعد تحقيقة الجائزة
Mohammed Almokhem is the CEO and Founder of Customer Experience Shift (CX Shift). This company aims to improve and innovate businesses, products and services that will make people’s lives better through business development, product/service improvement, marketing, web/app design, and entrepreneurship mentoring and programs. Almokhem started his dedication to customer experience and innovation before founding his business, CX Shift, by earning a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and a Master of Science in Service Leadership and Innovation along with other certifications, such as Marketing. Mohammed’s business specializes with startups and small businesses because they face more challenges and have more room for improvement and innovation. Mohammed works with his clients to implement CX into their businesses. Mohammed mentors and advices clients and entrepreneurs about CX and how important it is for their business in different sets, such as, events, one on one, universities and online.
Mohammed says: “I’ve founded and my business, CX Shift, to shift businesses to be a customer centric business and place the customer experience in the heart of their business and across all touchpoints with customers (internal customers: employees and external customers: products/services buyers). I’m honored to be selected as a winner of the CX Impact Award of 2016 and glad that my education and career dedication for customer experience is recognized by an amazing organization, CXPA, that is aiming to influence the business world with the customer experience concept as it is aligned with my mission which is to improve and innovate businesses, products and services that will make people’ lives better with customer centricity through business development, product/service improvement and innovation, marketing, web/app design and entrepreneurship advising!”